Watch out for these signs of poor nursing home care in California
There are signs those with a loved one in a nursing home should watch out for to determine whether abuse or neglect is occurring. Many elderly people in California and throughout the U.S. have experienced some form of abuse or neglect. According to the National Council on Aging, approximately one out of every 10 Americans over the age of 60 has experienced some form of mistreatment. Those with a loved one living in a nursing home should be aware that abuse and negligence are common problems, and watch out for certain signs that abuse could be occurring.
Mental or physical changes
Those who have concerns that their loved one is the victim of nursing home abuse should first look to them. Abuse could be happening if they are no longer able to function like normal, if they have stopped participating in activities they enjoy or if they have become uncommunicative and withdrawn. Elderly people who are the victims of abuse may also experience weight loss and sudden changes in their mood or sleep patterns. Additionally, they may experience pressure ulcers, unexplained bruises or skin tears, particularly in areas that are not immediately visible.
Unanswered questions
Those with a loved one in a nursing home should not get the feeling the staff members who run the organization are trying to hide something. If staff members are unable to provide information, evasive with reasonable questions or unwilling to discuss the care of a resident, the person’s care could be suboptimal.
High staff turnover
While some staff turnover is normal at most nursing homes, locations that constantly train new staff could be concerning because the new employees may not know the patients very well. Overall, consistent staffing is an important factor when it comes to high quality nursing home care.
Refusing care from certain staff members
While staying in a nursing home, elderly people should not feel uncomfortable or distressed while receiving care from any staff member. Those with a loved one in a nursing home should notice when their family member or friend makes remarks about a staff member or if they appear uncomfortable when a member of the staff enters their room. These remarks should be taken seriously even if the elderly patient suffers from cognitive issues.
Reach out to an attorney
Elderly people who suffer from abuse in a nursing home in California, whether mental, physical, sexual or emotional, may experience severe short and long-term consequences. Those who suspect their loved one is the victim of abuse or neglect should contact an attorney in their area for legal assistance.