Road safety is a shared responsibility that demands attentiveness, caution and respect for traffic regulations. Unfortunately, drivers continue to make avoidable errors that result in fatal vehicle collisions and catastrophic injuries.
While unavoidable circumstances cause some accidents, many result from human errors that can be prevented. Recognizing these errors and addressing them is key to reducing road accidents.
1. Distracted driving
Unfortunately, drivers still fall into the temptation of multitasking while behind the wheel. Multitasking introduces distractions that take drivers’ focus away from their surroundings. Many drivers assume that they can drive and also:
- Reply to text messages when they receive a notification
- Hold conversations with passengers in the vehicle
- Squeeze in a meal instead of pulling over to eat
A driver is distracted when they engage in anything that occupies their attention
- Manually by taking one or both of their hands off the wheel
- Visually, by pulling their eyes off their immediate surroundings
- Mentally, by occupying their mind with something other than driving safely
Drivers can significantly reduce the rates of vehicle collisions if they focus solely on driving when they’re behind the wheel.
2. Speeding
Drivers tend to speed for various reasons, but whichever the case, speeding will always remain a significant contributor to vehicle collisions. When drivers exceed the stipulated speed limit, they’re less likely to react on time to sudden changes in traffic flow.
For example, if the vehicle ahead suddenly halts, the speeding driver is likely to cause a rear-end collision. Moreover, the faster a vehicle travels, the greater the impact during a collision. Drivers should always adhere to speed limits and adjust their speed according to weather and traffic conditions.
3. Tailgating
It should go without saying that following the vehicle ahead too closely does not make a driver go any faster than they already are. Unfortunately, some drivers don’t seem to understand this and choose to tailgate when they’re in a hurry to reach their destination. Tailgating is risky because it leaves little stopping distance for the driver to come to a complete halt if the vehicle ahead stops suddenly.
While driving may feel routine for most drivers, it’s crucial to remain attentive and responsible behind the wheel. This way, they can steer clear of avoidable mistakes that contribute significantly to vehicle collisions. For diligent drivers who get involved in collisions due to reckless driving behavior, hands-on legal support can assist with pursuing justice and compensation.