As you journey through approximately 40 weeks of pregnancy, you’re likely to experience a wide range of emotion and, perhaps, several physical and mental challenges along the way. Whether it’s your first child or you’ve had several others, each pregnancy, labor and delivery is unique. Working closely with your obstetrician (OB) or midwife helps keep you and your baby healthy and safe.
There are numerous reasons that your OB might order a C-section delivery rather than recommend a vaginal birth. In fact, there are certain issues that the average OB would consider cause for concern, whether you are still months ahead of your due date or in the middle of labor and delivery.
Learn about these issues to make informed decisions
The more you understand the types of issues that may affect the health and safety of you and your unborn child, the better able you might be to choose a best course of action if a particular problem arises. The following list includes numerous issues or situations that might prompt the average OB to order a C-section:
- You have had past deliveries by C-section.
- Your labor is not progressing in a safe manner.
- Your baby isn’t lying in a standard head-down, head-first position.
- There are signs of fetal distress.
- You’re showing symptoms of placenta previa or uterine rupture.
- You have a chronic health condition, such as diabetes.
- You’re delivering more than one baby.
While this list is not extensive, and there may be many other issues that would cause the average OB or midwife concern, any of the situations or issues mentioned here would be considered legitimate reasons to order a C-section delivery.
Doctors recognize signs of trouble in pregnancy or labor
One of the reasons it’s so important for you to attend all of your prenatal visits is that your OB is able to closely monitor your condition, as well as your baby’s health. Such visits often include monitoring vital signs, performing sonograms, estimating your child’s length, head circumference and weight, and more. Your doctor can recognize signs of maternal or fetal distress and can determine if a C-section delivery would be safest in a given set of circumstances.
You can expect your medical team to adhere to stringent protocol and accepted safety standards throughout your pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum care. Sadly, many birth injuries occur to mothers and babies because of medical negligence. If this has happened to you or your child, you may enlist patient advocate support to help you seek justice against those who caused your injuries.