Many California residents are looking for different ways to enjoy the outdoors, especially in recent times. For some, bicycling provides the perfect solution. Others rely on a bicycle for more than leisure, as they may use one in lieu of a motor vehicle for transportation. In any case, cyclists do need to exercise great caution during times they share roads with larger, motorized vehicles, as collisions can easily happen. Unfortunately, such situations often do not end well for the cyclist.
Vehicle hits cyclist
In a tragic example, a crash involving a vehicle and a cyclist left the cyclist severely injured. The incident happened on an El Cajun roadway on a recent Wednesday evening. According to El Cajun police, a vehicle was turning into a driveway when it hit the cyclist, who had been traveling in a bike lane at the time.
Cyclist suffers head injury
A police spokesperson has said the cyclist suffered severe head trauma from the crash and was transported to a hospital for treatment. Reportedly, he may have also suffered a broken femur. The driver of the vehicle that hit him remained at the scene to aid in the investigation, which apparently is ongoing.
The cyclist’s condition has not been reported at this time, but no doubt, he has already suffered a great deal, physically and emotionally, and his injuries may continue to impact his life for some time. Many accident victims facing a long and painful recovery period also experience financial challenges as unexpected medical expenses accumulate quickly. Although investigators do not believe intoxication was a factor in this incident, evidence could very well point to other forms of negligence and/or recklessness on the part of the driver, and in that case, he or she could be held accountable in a California civil court.